Application Programming Interface (API)

Integrate all of your business software solutions to RetailVista with our 100% open API platform.

If you have several software solutions in place for your business such as accounting software, webshop software and more, then we imagine that you spend some amount of time manually marrying up information between the systems.

Integrating various business software solutions to RetailVista saves some customers 100’s of hours a year.

Continue reading below to find out more on our API!


Integrate your business software solutions to RetailVista

Warehouse management systemsAccounting packages Business Intelligence Customer APP’s Webshops Chip & Pin processors

With the help of the RetailVista™ API (Application Programming Interface), you can connect all your business software solutions together. In this instance RetailVista becomes the kernel database for the business with all other software solutions able to interact with the care database by sending and receiving information.

Automating processes as much as possible between your business software solutions can be a massive time saver by increasing the efficiencies of your accounting, webshop product and order information, and more. This will reduce the amount of manual labour, errors, and processes are performed in real-time so no one system is out of date.

Save time and money on making less errors, less labour, less incorrect information and less IT Isles.


RetailVista™ API

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface. An API acts as a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, messaging, or check the weather on your phone, you’re using an API.
For medium to large businesses, an API can be a pillar of your well thought through I.T. landscape. This ensures that all data, from any I.T. software systems helping you run your business, is processed (bi-directionally) into the kernel of your IT Landscape; RetailVista.
RetailVista’s API is used (at the moment) for integrations with:
  • Webshop(s) (functionality to power one or multiple webshops from RetailVista)
  • Accounting software
  • Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
  • Business Intelligence Software (BI)
  • Accounting Packages
  • Transport & delivery systems
  • Chip & Pin processors

Most EPoS providers will not provide a completely open API. Why we chose to offer the 100% open API is because we strongly believe that streamlining software interactions and reducing manual procesess do help business run better and more profitably.

How RetailVista makes your life easier and increases your turnover.

Check out what benefits our webshop integration offers more!

Webshop integrations

One of the base pillars for a good integration is the RetailVista™ API. This will make sure there is real-time communication between RetailVista and your webshop(s). Yes; Webshops. You can use multiple webshops if desired.

With the aid of our integration customers will have the same benefits and experience online as they have offline. They can use their loyaltycards and customer APP’s on your website. Customers are able to see their previous purchases and points balances. The best part is that all data is virtually realtime. As soon as a webshop order is raised by a customer, a stock reservation will be placed in RetailVista directly thus your available-stock information will remain accurate. The integration prevents errors and means there is much less manual labour involved. Else stock will be sold out and customers will be disappointed.

See: RetailVista Webshop Integration

Marketing Services

Webshop(s) integration(s); Webshop product information, stock, images and offers can be populated from RetailVista. Customers purchases are sent from the webshop to the Sales Orders within the tills for picking, shipping or collection.
Also: Direct Marketing based on customer purchases, Daily news/Plant Tips/Newsletters, Loyalty integrations, Amazon integrations.



See: RetailVista Marketing Services

“I would highly recommend RetailVista as an EPoS solution!”

“Easy to learn and work with, experts help with the implementation.”

“The software impressed me and it felt good.”

“Now that the system is in, we are so pleased that we chose RetailVista.”

Logistics & Warehousing

With RetailVista we can use many of our smart and easy to use functions to ensure the stock control around your logistics is smooth and stress free with complete audit history of changes made. Purchase orders can be created by staff member A (or by Auto stock/Min Max levels), adjusted and confirmed by a supervisor, received into stock by staff member B, and checks, changes or differences can be finalised again by a senior or trusted staff member. At each stage the audit history is keeping track of who did what. And the aim of having accurately stocked shelves is complete.

See: Logistics & Warehousing

Statistics & Reporting

Is generating your reports time consuming? Are you struggling to get the right data out of your current EPoS system, or are you looking for your first EPoS solution in order to give your business the reporting information you need to keep ahead of your competition? Can you only see your sales information at the end of the day after polling?

See: Statistics & Reporting

Do not waste time by reading extensive documentation and
spending hours trying to figure out what software would
fit your organisation the best.

Our EPoS specialists guide you through our Retail Software. Tell us what you would like to improve
and we will show you how you can solve it by using RetailVista EPoS and ERP.

Just spend 30 minutes attending an online demo, without any obligations.

RetailVista software is used by 400+ retailers to easily operate stores and webshops, from anywhere.

See other Features

RetailVista offers many possibilities, check here our other features.

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Demo Video

Watch our 7 minute demo video! We walk you through some basic features.