Enterprise Ireland Grant Scheme

The Irish department of Enterprise and Trade have again launched their Online Retail Scheme. This scheme is aimed at modernising businesses to enable them to be more competitive and resilient in the domestic and global marketplace. The close date is the 3rd of May so applicants need to look into this as soon as possible.

NedFox have worked with several garden centres in Ireland to help them apply for and win the grant in order to bolster the digitalisation of the business. This involved our modern and future proofed EPoS and ERP solution RetailVista, as well as partnership with one of our most trusted partners Garden Connect who built webshops, Apps and offer the right marketing services for your customers shopping in our industry. In particular, our RFM is extremely effective in marketing useful and relevant offers and information directly to your customers.

Main points of the grant;

  • Support digitalisation of Irish businesses
  • To help respond to domestic and international consumer demand for online shopping
  • Strengthen small retailers in finding and retaining customers with their existing infrastructure
  • Protect the physical operation by enabling growth through an online marketplace and new shopping avenues
  • Support capability for building digital skills
  • Create new roles within the business in e-commerce and supporting activities

Successful applicants with be awarded funding to support a maximum of 50% of the project. Eligible costs of €50,000 with a grant maximum of €25,000

How can NedFox help your business modernise with the help of the grant;

  1. Supporting the digitalisation of Irish Garden Centres – If you are operating manual tills, or an old EPoS solution, it can be very difficult to modernise. With the grant you could move to our super efficient and future proofed RetailVista EPoS and ERP solution. RetailVista offers integration to your webshop, loyalty schemes (app or card based, points and/or special offers based, online and in-store) cloud backoffice accessible from anywhere in the world, tills linked to the cloud (but not dependant on it) for true real-time sales, stock and reporting.
  2. To help respond to domestic and international consumer demand for online shopping – Since Covid, more and more businesses have moved online in order to be as flexible for their customers as possible. Online marketplaces are becoming the norm and you do not want your business to be left behind. Online customers, wether local or further afield can also apply to be a loyalty customer so they can also gain the benefits without travelling into store from all over.
  3. Strengthen small retailers in finding and retaining customers with their existing infrastructure – With our marketing partnership with Garden Connect, we specialise in retention of customers who shop with you. One of the most modern ways of doing this is our RFM marketing model which is proven to increase retention and spends.
  4. Protect the physical operation by enabling growth through an online marketplace and new shopping avenues – Our backoffice is the single point of truth for your products, stock, customer and supplier data. This data can be used to open more stores very quickly, to push information to and from a webshop. And with the various marketing expertise we offer we can also ensure growth and retention of your customer base.
  5. Support capability for building digital skills – Use of our system and any others linked with us (such as Garden Connect) comes with full training. We work with business owners of all generations and ages and are able to adjust our training to the users needs.
  6. Create new roles within the business in e-commerce and supporting activities – With our help and advice in using our software and services correctly, the business should expand, therefore requiring new staff to help with the growth. Most busnesses can handle one or two web orders a day, but as it grows you would need to bring more people in to help with the expanding operation.

How can I learn more?

Time is short on applications as the deadline is the 3rd of May, but we can help with this. You can get in touch with us via our contact page here where we can then discuss the modernisation you think you need, options available, and how we can put the project together.


Contact Us about the scheme
