Category: News

6 reasons why you should sell a digital gift card

It happens to everyone now and then, forgetting to buy a present on time. Or maybe being unable to visit their uncle who lives far away. That is why we have developed the digital gift card in partnership with Garden Connect.  This great option is available to garden centres using RetailVista for the EPoS and […]

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Loyalty cards – how NedFox & Garden Connect work together to bring you a market leading solution

Loyalty cards are used by many retailers to collect contact details and make analysis. The power of big online retailers such as eBay and Amazon is that they know their customers: not personally, but thanks to the great amount of data they know exactly who they should approach and at what time. Many consider Amazon […]

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Bosrand garden centre group Warehouse

The new Bosrand garden centre group warehouse in Oegstgeest is automated with RetailVista. At the moment the first trailers with goods are booked-in. Bosrand uses RetailVista Mobile (Android) to have and maintain all important information on the floor. Fun project to test the power of RetailVista! Visit the Bosrand Garden Centres website here (tip – […]

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